Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Producing movies for the internet

The future of the world seems to be on the internet, the production of movies online that lessens production costs furthers this theory. The article talks about how people are willing to watch movies on their small ipod screen and such because it is less expensive than going to the (increasingly expensive) movie theaters. It becomes a win-win situation of sorts because it is cheaper for movie producers to make movies for the web, while it is also less expensive for the consumers to watch them offline. However, the recurring factor with the online phenomena continues to be that there is a crowd that isn't happy with just online, just as with the news and newspapers transforming into website form, and bloggers, which are only online rising in popularity. Some predict that newspapers will always exist because of such a crowd that prefers to read it in print rather than sitting in front of a computer screen that can hurt your eyes after a certain amount of time, while some also believe that you digest what you are reading more from a newspaper. Therefore, it only makes sense that movies will remain the same way, however, it is definitely noteworthy that it is more than just the news that is making the online fad widespread.

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